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LXC Container

How to install DockServer on a Proxmox LXC container

This guide will take you through how to prepare Proxmox to install DockServer on an LXC.

Key Points
  • This guide assumes you already have Proxmox installed and working. These instructions arw working on 6.4-6
  • Do not use Debian as the Linux image. Networking is shocking and dies after a day or so due to NIC namespace. This guide was written for Ubuntu 20.04
  • Apparmour must be disabled and deleted. If not, Authelia will fail at the password hashing stage.
  • Your LXC must be a privileged container. Unpriviliged containers do not allow GPU passthrough which is needed for Plex transcoding.
  • If you have local drives that you wish to mount, there are a couple of extra lines required in the xxx.conf file.
  • These are the settings that I have set which I have found work well. Your own millage will vary depending on your setup.
  1. Download Ubuntu template. Recommended version is Ubunto 20.04 Standard.
  2. Create a new LXC container:
  3. General tab:
    1. Give the container a name in the 'Hostname' field.
    2. Remove the tick from 'Unprivileged container'.
    3. Set the password and confirm the password you wish to use for CLI access.
  4. Template tab:
    1. Choose the Ubuntu template.
  5. Root Disk tab:
    1. Set the disk size high enough to handle all DockServer apps. Allow room for expansion. I personally have this set to 500Gb.
  6. CPU tab:
    1. Add the number of cores that you want assigned to the LXC. Remember, you will probably have Plex installed in Docker, along with multiple other apps all demanding processing power. I personally have this set to 6 cores.
  7. Memory tab:
    1. Set the memory and swap size accordingly. Bear in mind the previous comment regarding number of CPU cores. I personally have this set to 8192MiB for both Memory and Swap.
  8. Network tab:
    1. Uncheck 'Firewall'.
    2. 'IPv4' and 'IPv6' - I set these both of these to DHCP and then reserve the MAC address in my routers DHCP server.
  9. DNS tab:
    1. Leave this tab alone.
  10. Confirm tab - check your settings and select 'Finish'.

Before starting the container, you need to set the following on the Options, Features tab:

  1. Nesting
  2. CIFS
  3. NFS
  4. Fuse
GPU Passthrough

Run the steps on the following guide to pass through the GPU (my own system is an Intel GPU so I followed each step exactly without any changes and everything worked):

NOTE: the above steps worked for Proxmox 6 however with changes to cgroup to cgroup2, the lxc conf file stated:

lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 226:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 226:128 rwm
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 29:0 rwm
lxc.autodev: 1
Changes this to:
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: a
227 lxc.cap.drop:
228 lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 226:0 rwm
229 lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 226:128 rwm
230 lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 29:0 rwm
231 lxc.autodev: 1
232 lxc.hook.autodev: /var/lib/lxc/112/
Be mindful of the last line - change this to your correct container number rather than 112!

Mounting external NFS Drives
  1. In Datacenter, Storage add your NFS external drives.
  2. Open a shell from the node.
  3. Replace 120 with the container number:
    nano /etc/pve/lxc/120.conf
  4. Add the following line('s) as appropriate to the drives you wish to gain access to:
    mp0: /mnt/pve/Media,mp=/mnt/Media
    mp1: /mnt/pve/Pictures,mp=/mnt/Pictures
    mp2: /mnt/pve/Music,mp=/mnt/Music

You can now start the container

How to Disable and Delete Apparmour:

Once the container is up and running and you have logged in:

  1. Stop Apparmour service:
    systemctl stop apparmor
  2. Disable Apparmor from starting on system boot:
    systemctl disable apparmor
  3. Remove Apparmor package and dependencies:
    apt remove --assume-yes --purge apparmor

Now your LXC is ready to continue the install of DockServer


Kindly report any issues/broken-parts/bugs on github or discord

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